"Part of Connect2Compete is an Ad Council campaign that will drive people to digital literacy training programs. To prepare for the campaign, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced the development of a new Digital Literacy Finder Tool that will help people find nearby locations for digital literacy training. The Finder Tool will be populated with thousands of locations comprising the nation’s libraries, schools, public computing centers, non-profit training providers, and America’s Job Centers." Read more about this here.
All libraries that provide ANY type of digital literacy training be it formal classes or informal one on one, PLEASE add yourself to the Finder Tool by going to this link and adding your information. An innovative zip-code locator tool will combine all entries into a nationwide database. You definitely want to be listed there!
For those of us in Pennsylvania, stay tuned to future issues of the Compendium that will assist us in our need assessment, resource identification and creation.
Lastly, if you're looking for some materials and information related to technology training in public libraries, be sure to check out Colorado Virtual Library's Tech Training for Libraries site. They have great stuff to share; no need to start from scratch!